Tuesday, October 2, 2007

a first problem

i have a problem
i haven't had a problem in about...
a month.
(excluding all the times ive said "i hate the world and the people in it", but that's not really personal.)
this problem is.
and because this is the internet,
you do NOT get the delightful pleasure of hearing me express what this problem actually is.
instead you get to see through my eyes for a bit.
it's not the worst i've written
infact i feel much better than this actually sounds.
that's poetry politics for you.

the feeling is strange
content with life
happyness becomes usual
but i take a nosedive
for once its not image
not looks of my own
its weird to feel something
that i don't really know
familiar with the darkness
caused by something unknown
will bring me back down
to a different kind of low
see through my eyes
a world unkind
stereotypical and stupid
blurring the mind
i'm lost in confusion
am i doing this right
why can't i be like others
withstanding the fight
what i want most
i'm lacking the need
though it feel it in my head
its not there bodily
tensing my jaw
and clenching my fists
i want to hit life's balls
and cut it's wrists
a first problem for me
new persona and all
as ive risen above
now i'll carefully fall.


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