Tuesday, February 23, 2010


i have the feeling my body is trying to block out the pain im feeling.

im feeling blank all the time.

i saw the boy yesterday and it was like scratching at an open wound.
and then two seconds later i was fine.

im so messed up.


lisalisa said...

you are not messed up; you are hurting. You were with the boy several years, right? It will take time to heal. i don't really know what you are going through. I have had many relationships but was never "in love" until I met my husband, so ending relationships was no big deal to me. But If I lost Chris i know I would be destroyed.
Give it time. Take care of you.

Kate said...

I'm sorry you are hurting - i really am. hang in there.

AVY said...

I know the feeling, I'm blank almost all the time, for better or worse.

NabilaHazirah said...

I hate this feeling. It always gets on my nerves.