Monday, September 14, 2009

2 down, 3 to go

guess who just finished her final photography SAT?
Oh, you guessed right :)
and that means... no more school-graded photography, ever again!
I am way too tired to be elated right now... but trust me, inside my brain there is a huge smile grin.

anywho.. i just wanted to share my thoughts on last nights dinner.
it was just something strange i observed, that seems to be a pattern for me.
my brother had about a half-palm-sized portion of his hamburger left, and he couldn't finish it.
it looked really incy-wincy to me right then, and I was just like, why dont you eat it? its only two bites.
and then he offered it to me.
and then it seemed like...massive.
and that's when i thought... i don't just see my body size differently, i see food size differently too!
whenever i see someone else eating, say a muesli bar, i'll think its tiny, and they should eat more
but then if i go to eat the same thing, it suddenly seems really big, as in "whoa, half of that will fill me up" type of big.


i'd like to ask your opinion of this, if you happen to be reading.
am i strange or does this happen to anyone else?

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