Tuesday, October 27, 2009


so i havent' had my period yet. it's 4 days late exactly.
and im freaking out.

instead of studying this week, i've been googling pregnancy, late periods, abortion... everything.
this may be a touchy subject, but ive also been looking at self-induced miscarriage.
im really, really desperate.
and ive been punching my stomach all morning.
i havent even taken a test yet!
and i might just be stressed.
im such a dick.

hm well today i looked at my feet and they looked really fat.
it was a strange illusion.
ive been feeling so shit about my body.
the scale yesterday said 56. 56!!! i havent been 56 since year 8. i almost cried.
but i have to push this aside until exams are over.
18 days and i can start exercising and restricting again.
i cant stay like this.
i feel like crap.
i wouldnt even take off my jumper today despite the heat.
i know this is counter-recovery thinking but.... well, there's really no excuse.
me = fail.

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