Tuesday, November 10, 2009

all or nothing

first of all, can anybody tell me how i can get notified of comments?
i always tend to have to go into my blog and check.
i just want one of those things like on myspace where it's like "new comments!"
ha, i'm lazy.

i decided that this whole 'losing weight slowly and healthily' thing was just a load of BS.
it was TOO slow, and i gave up and binged. it's all or nothing for me.
starting next monday, i will be fasting and restricting for summer.
shouldn't be hard at all, considering i won't have exams to worry about and i can be anywhere and do whatever i want :)
can't wait til freedom.
the only thing that sucks about the upcoming freedom is it has to be summer.
i HATE summer.
i despise it.
Here's a list why:

1. It's too hot to exercise, let alone MOVE

2. I get all sweaty and look like a bloated tomato

3. I have to wear clothes that reveal my fat-ness.

4. I break down a lot because of my lack of decent-looking clothing options

5. Clothes shopping is depressing, especially with...

6. BIKINIS!!!!!!!!

7. Can't eat soups :(

8. Having sex is exhausting and makes you all gross and sticky (and not for a good reason)

9. Sleeping in the same bed as my boyfriend is hard because he is a human furnace

10. People don't hug as much :( i love hugs :(

11. I hate icypoles, so when I'm hot i have to resort to icky Ice cream that melts everywhere and makes you stickier than summer sex

12. Makes me crave ice cream more.


14. ...and that leads to painful sunburn

15. You have to wear sunglasses and they slide off your nose and get annoying

17. My eye makeup (my trademark) sweats off

18. Having to deal with questions about why I like to wear tshirts and boardies over my bathers (fat stomach and scars on my legs)

19. The Beach! (bikinis + icky sand + salty water = PISSED OFF KATIE)

20. People always want to go out for fish and chips, which usually leads to B/P

21. Salads get boring after a while

22. Did I mention looking like a bloated tomato?

23. Can't do one of my favourite past-times, walking to Frankston, because of the heat

24. Too many BUGS! (i have a phobia of all insects)

25. Lack of sleep due to trying to kill all the aforementioned bugs

26. Being woken up by a buzzing mosquito just as I'm about to fall asleep!

27. Dresses. YUCK.

28. Have to show my fat arms.


30. Lack of motivation because of the stupid heat.

31. Winter coldness burns more calories.

Enough said?
Even so, here are some upsides that will benefit me this summer:

1. Too hot to heat fatty foods (aka chocolate, pasta, curries etc)
2. Excuse to just eat salads, it's too hot for anything else!
3. Cold water to boost metabolism
4. Yummy low-calorie fruit.
5. BOOST FRUIT SMOOOOTHIES when going out for lunch. once again, too hot for anything else.

chyeah. and that's about it as far as the good bits of summer goes.
so NOT looking forward to it.

NOTE TO SELF: this is not the time to be writing blogs, go study for your exams tomorrow!

1 comment:

Barbara Simpson said...

Katie, for comment notification, go to your dashboard (or select customization from the blog page itself), choose settings, then comments. At the bottom of that page is a field for comment notification. You can put your own email address there and then you'll get a note when someone comments on a post. Hope that helps.